Course curriculum
Getting Started
Beginner's Guide
Easy Songs for the Right Hand
Lesson Tutorials (Coming Soon)
Sheet music for this chapter
Assignment: Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Jingle Bells
Assignment: Rain Rain Go Away, Ode to Joy, Au Claire de La Lune
Playing with your Left Hand
Sheet music for this chapter
Assignment: Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday
Assignment: The Chimes, Bingo, Clementine
Assignment: Old Macdonald, London Bridge
Assignment: Row Row Row Your Boat, Surprise, Ten Little Indians
Assignment: Wheels on the Bus, Pop Goes the Weasel
Assignment: We wish you a Merry Christmas, Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Playing with Simple Chords
Lesson Tutorials (Coming Soon)
Sheet music for this chapter
Assignment: Hot Cross Buns, Mary had a Little Lamb
Assignment: Jingle Bells, Ode to Joy
Assignment: Au Claire de La Lune, Alouette
Assignment: Row Row Row Your Boat, Ten Little Indians, Pop Goes the Weasel